I love these little men so much it makes my belly hurt...

I truly love the month of November and I believe it is not just something for this sappy mom of two incredible little boys. The first day we ever held our boys is a day we will ALWAYS celebrate in the Dorband family. Whether it's called "gotcha day," "family day," or something else, it is significant to us as a family and the feelings surrounding those moments will never be forgotten.
One year ago, we landed at the Kigali airport early in the morning filled with nervous excitement and anticipation. We could not imagine the joy that the next year would contain. It was too early to go to the orphanage so we checked into our bed and breakfast and laid in bed waiting for the sun to rise so we could go hold our children for the very first time. I remember wondering what it would feel like and how the boys would react to us. After what seemed like an eternity, our taxi arrived with our POA to take us to Home of Hope to see Levi and Judah face to face.
As we drove to Home of Hope, we tried to take in ever sight and sound along the way to engrave this memory in our hearts forever. After pulling in to the famous blue doors, there really are no words to describe those first moments/hours/days of holding our boys in our arms. I remember the way their skin felt, what they smelled like, the way Judah laid his head on Adam's shoulder and Levi clung to me because he was scared. Levi had a cold and just like a first-time, type A, overreactive mom, I insisted on taking him to the doctor right away and making sure he was OK:)
We spent a lot of time driving around to various government offices that day to try to obtain our travel letter (which didn't come until Monday). We snuggled lots, Adam took Levi on a coffee date, and we tried to memorize every detail about them. At the end of the day we were exhausted and oh so overjoyed.
Now that we are a year into having the boys home, the joy of being "The Dorband 4" is a reality that we live in every day. Sure, there are moments of feeling frustrated or tired because we have two almost two-year-olds, but we truly wouldn't trade any of it!!! One toothy smile from Levi or belly laugh when we tickle Judah, reminds us that we are so blessed. There is so much that went into bringing the Dorband family together and I marvel at the details that were so perfectly orchestrated. Thankful, thankful, thankful- that is the true description of how we feel.
Sending so much love,
The Dorband 4
*Enjoy these pictures from Day 1:)