They boys are saying, "Thanks for the great place to stay- we love it!!!"

Hey everyone- there's not much going on here in Nairobi...we are just waiting for this coming week so we can find out the results of Levi's PCR. PLEASE continue to pray!!! We believe that God answers prayers and He has been so evident during the past few days in Nairobi that we know His hand is most certainly with us as we walk through the unknown. As you know, we were provided with a place to stay while we are here, but even more, we were provided with FRIENDS from Michigan who are staying at the same house as us to complete the adoption of their daughter from Kenya (they have been here for 10 months). Graig and Sarah have taken us in and made us part of their family...sharing meals and conversation has truly lifted our spirits and reminded us of God's presence. I'm sure it is no coincidence that they work with a church at the University of Michigan so we certainly plan on having dinner and play dates in the future when we are all back in the states. How funny that we have a house full of people from Michigan in Nairobi:) God is sovereign!!!
We miss our friends and family so much- as we were in church this morning singing Christmas carols in 80 degree weather, I was honestly wishing we were back in the cold midwest and I had to stop singing so I wouldn't cry, but we are spending time with the boys and bonding is going well so what more could we ask for:) Now if they would just sleep through the night, we might be a little more sane:)-
Here's the detailed info on the boys as of recently...
- They have both taken a liking to baby oatmeal or rice cereal with bananas- this makes for kind of nasty poo, but their bellies are full and they are happy. Both of them still drink quite a bit of formula as that is all they lived on at the orphanage.
- Judah is having a VERY hard time sleeping through the night. Adam and I took turns holding him from 2am until 7:30am today so he would sleep, which makes us a little tired, but we want him to be happy.
- Thank God for mosquito nets- Judah was sleeping with Adam last night and fell out of bed, but the mosquito net caught him and sort of gently rested him on the floor- he still cried, but he wasn't injured.
- Levi and Judah are both teething which means LOTS of drool and intermittent crying throughout the night as well.
- Judah is quite a people person while Levi is more pensive and takes everything in. This also means that Judah is a lot more needy and I want to make sure that we spend as much time attending to Levi so he feels loved and secure:)
- Judah poops at least 4 times a day so we have been going through a lot of outfits, but such is life with 2 young boys!!!
- Overall, all is going well, we are ready to come HOME, but we are good.
Thank you for walking with us..
We send our love from Kenya!!!
The Dorband 4
WOW!! God is sovereign! I am praising God that He is taking care of you four, not that I ever doubted Him, but oh how nice it is to see it. We are definitely missing you all as well, but how exciting the homecoming will be! Jeremy spoke this morning on Jesus being the Prince of Peace-Sar Shalom, how true it is! I am glad to know that you are resting in His shelter of peace--the peace that allows us to go through storms, with a smirk, because He is so good to us :) We love you all!! Drew, Amanda, Ava & Lana :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I forgot to say...
ReplyDeleteI love those faces!! I cannot wait to kiss them! :)
Aunt Amanda loves you Levi & Judah! xoxoxox
Your journey has been amazing so far. It is so evident that God is on the journey with you and will provide no matter the results of Levi's tests. Your boys are so cute.
ReplyDeletejust had the pleasure of hosting your mom in our home this weekend, adam, and she shared your blog with us. how cool to see God's sovereignty so evident in your situation! i look forward to following your journey, and am praying for your safety and God's continued peace in this awesome adventure.
ReplyDeleteKatie and Adam,
ReplyDeleteJust sitting here reading your updates with my husband and we are praising God with you for his provisions and praying for little Levi's test.
Because He Lives!
Todd and Jackie
Katie, we miss you s lot too! I cannot wait until you 4 are home. It will be so exciting. I am praying for good news from you tomorrow when I get up! Sending lots of love from Michigan! PS... when you get home to the FREEZING cold weather, you going to be wishing you were back where its 80! Lol
ReplyDeleteOur family is really praying that all goes well for you so you can get back here! You guys all look so happy! It is such a blessing that you let us all come along on this journey with you, THANK YOU! :) God bless, see you soon
ReplyDeletePraying, praying, praying!! I love seeing you both with the boys! Truly, God has knit you all together as a family.
Love and hugs to the Dorband 4!
I miss you guys like crazy. I can not wait to meet Judah and Levi. I am praying like crazy that God can heal him. I know where God is present, his works can be done. Healing is possible, and God has his hands on him.
ReplyDeleteI made brownie bites with peppermint patties, they will be waiting for your homecoming, praying it won't be long!! Can't wait to see you! kiss the boys!! praying!!
ReplyDeleteI cant wait. I m prayering